女高音/ 克勞蒂亞‧萊哈德(Claudia Reinhard)
男高音/ 呂迪格‧巴爾洪(Rüdiger Ballhorn)
馬庫斯‧查普(Markus Zapp)
馬努爾‧伐維茲(Manuel Warwitz)
男中音/ 賴納‧許奈德-瓦特貝格(Reiner Schneider-Waterberg)
男低音/ 馬爾庫斯‧許密德(Marcus Schmidl)
Sting (arr. H. Beckmann) Fields of Gold
Engl. trad. (arr. G. Langford) The Oak and the Ash
Sting (arr. C. Gerlitz) Fragile
Yi Chen (*1953) Written on a rainy night
Volkslied (arr. P. Wittrich) Rosnstock, Holderblüh
Sting (arr. S. Sieg) When we dance
Sting (*1951) (arr. R. Whilds) Wrapped around your finger
Friedrich Silcher (1789-1860) Die Loreley
Hans Leo Hassler (1564-1612) Tanzen und Springen
Sting (arr. B. Hofmann) They dance alone
Sting (arr. H. Schanderl) A Thousand Years
Chick Corea (arr. M. Schmidl) Crystal silence
Sting (arr. W. Kerschek) Every little thing she does is magic
George Gershwin (arr. S. Ivačič) They all laughed
Sting (arr. B. Hansson) Shape of my heart
Billy Joel (arr. B. Chilcott) And so it goes
Sting (arr. S. Ivačič) Let your soul be your pilot